The RAPID programme aims to narrow the gap between the most disadvantaged areas working
towards improving the quality of life in the RAPID areas. Neighbourhood renewal involves a significant
change in direction.
It moves away from funding projects for a short period of time in a small number of areas, to making
sure public services work better for all disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
The RAPID AIT recognises that renewal will not succeed unless communitiesare at the heart of the process.
It needs, everyone involved to work in a different way and to think differently about service provision.
The Kilkenny City RAPID Programme plan 2008 – 2013 seeks to build upon the Strategic Plan(2003-2006).
Being guided by the local communities, the Kilkenny City RAPID Programme
will focus on seven strategic themes that are ;
l Community Safety
l Family Supports
l Health
l Youth Support
l Physical Environment
l Education
l Employment and Training.
Five of these themes have been launched at National Level and locally our sub-groups have been formed.
These strategic aims and objectives will form our work plan for the coming years combining new investment
projects closely with objectives working towards better service integration and improved customer services
for communities of the RAPID Areas.
This review is broken down into by each theme to provide a clearer view of actions and priorities in each
All strategic plans when completed will be compiled to form Kilkenny’s Rapid strategic plan to 2013.