1. Our aim is to raise awareness of the importance of play for both adults and children.
2. To give children a voice by consulting and involving them in the development of play policies and the
design of play environments and facilities. The RAPID AIT (Area Implementation Team) will ensure that all
RAPID recreational funded projects will consult with children in the development of projects
3. To ensure that children’s play needs are met through the development of a child-friendly environment.
The RAPID programme will continue to identify recreational needs in the identified communities through
ongoing consultation.
4. To maximise the range of public play opportunities available to all children, particularly children from
diverse cultural backgrounds, those with a disability and those who experience disadvantage. The RAPID
programme targets the most disadvantaged areas in Kilkenny city.
5. To improve the quality and safety of playgrounds and play areas The RAPID projects will adhere to the
national guidelines.
6. To ensure that the relevant training and qualifications are available to persons, including volunteers,
offering play and related services to children
7. To develop a partnership approach in funding and developing play opportunities The RAPID Area
Implementation Team will continue you to take a partnership approach
8. To improve coordination and information, including evaluation and monitoring of all relevant bodies in
relation to play provision in the county. RAPID (Area Implementation Team)